The Fairfax County Police are out of control and need oversight but are slick enough to organize "Campaign contributions" during election time to avoid it.

Oversight Without Animosity

 Merrick Bobb is the executive director of the Police Assessment Resource Center and serves as the court-appointed monitor overseeing a settlement agreement negotiated with the city of Seattle by the Department of Justice.
APRIL 9, 2013
Advocates for police reform contend that the police cannot be trusted to police themselves, while the New York police argue that no one but the police really knows what it is like to be an urban cop on the dangerous streets. Therefore, advocates want civilian oversight and the police, at least in more sophisticated venues like Los Angeles, have learned to live with it. In some places, even the ability even to investigate police misconduct is taken away from the police.
The trick is to construct civilian review of the police in a way that is respectful of all perspectives.
The trick is to construct civilian oversight in a way that is respectful of all perspectives. The Los Angeles model gives a civilian police commission the power to decide if an officer-involved shooting or other serious use of force is according to policy or not. The matter then goes back to a panel of two police officers and one civilian to decide whether an officer should be disciplined. The chief of police can order more discipline than the panel but cannot offer less.
Splitting the decision in this way has marked advantages: the community voice is heard through the commission, and the civilian perspective acts as a guarantor for the integrity of the internal investigative process while the police perspective is still honored. The commission itself has an inspector general, who is empowered to advise the commission whether a given shooting or use of force is or should be within policy.
Mixed models like this one provide reasonable oversight without stripping the police entirely of the ability to self-discipline.
With that ability come accountability and responsibility. Civilian oversight makes a judgment how well the department is acquitting itself. If given the further ability to share with the mayor the power to hire and fire the chief executive of the police, a good balance is struck among all the competing interests. The day when civilian oversight can be completely rebuffed is over. It's time to roll up the sleeves and figure out what form of oversight is best for New York.
Civilian oversight can also bring community perspective into police practices like stop and frisk. Wholesale and largely unproductive dragnets may erode community trust and goodwill at a much more rapid rate than they get criminals off street.