The Fairfax County Police are out of control and need oversight but are slick enough to organize "Campaign contributions" during election time to avoid it.

Citizens air concerns about police brutality

Citizens air concerns about police brutality
MACON, Ga. (AP) - More than 60 Macon residents expressed concern over alleged police brutality and racial profiling at a community meeting with Mayor Robert Reichert.
The event Saturday was prompted by the death of Sammie Davis Jr. who was shot by Macon Police Officer Clayton Sutton in December at a Macon supermarket.. Davis was unarmed.
Macon resident Edward Davenport said that prior to Davis' death, he gave a list of complaints to the mayor concerning officers whose names had surfaced regarding brutality complaints in the black community." He claimed the mayor took no action.
A report on said that a woman alleged her 8-year-old son was handcuffed for tossing pinecones.
The forum was organized by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the U.S. Department of Justice.